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Climate Action For Business

We work with...

Plant trees as a business using the payment form below.

Looking to plant large volumes of trees ? interested in supporting alternative climate solutions? please use the contact form below and we will be in touch as soon as we can.

£1 will plant 1 tree

Plant Trees Around the World

With this project, you allow us to choose the location in which your trees will be planted. We will always choose to plant your trees in areas which will have the highest impact towards saving the environment and reversing climate change. Upon successful collection of funds, you will receive a personalised tree planting certificate.


One time




Why Plant With Us?

You are not just protecting the planet. You are changing & improving lives

Homa Bay 5 FG.png

You're Protecting The Planet

Our Tree Planting projects restores degraded land, prevents unsustainable land practices and improves biodiversity.

TREES Tanzania Farmer Onesmo with crops.jpg

Helping to End Hunger

Our tree planting projects foster large quantities of food crops. Providing local populations with access to nutrient-rich food and meals all year round

TREES Tanzania activity at Iringa Community Nursery.HEIC

Supporting Local Farmers

Agroforestry provides good income that is sustainable both economically and environmentally to local farmers, improving their quality of life.

TREES Tanzania Farmer Mariam in FG.jpg

Empowering Women

We support projects that promote female empowerment. Many projects are led by and composed entirely of women.

If you're interested in cost effective climate action for business, then you're in the right place!

Here at Atlas Project, we are helping businesses to get involved in climate action in the most cost effective way possible.

Whether you're looking to plant large sums of trees, or offset your carbon, we have a solution for you.

If you're interested then please fill in the contact form below or feel free to email us at -

Send us a message
and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Thanks for submitting!

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