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Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you might have a lot of questions related to our work and fighting the climate crisis. We hope that this page will help to answer your questions. Alternatively, please feel free to contact us.

  • Where does your name come from?
    We are called Atlas Project because, similar to the Greek Titan, Atlas, we are making it our project to hold the weight of the Earth on our shoulders. In addition to identifiying with the Greek Titan, an Atlas, is a book of the world; an olden-day world map. Similarly to this, we want to make a positive change and engineer a worldwide movement of net zero, eco-conscious warriors, who battle every day to take care of our environment and make our planet, our home, a cleaner and safer place for all life.
  • Do you support projects across the world?
    Yes. Even though we are based in the UK, our aim is to support and run projects that take place and have an impact within every continent on the planet. We want to make a real difference and to do that we need to address climate issues all over the world. We hope to be a globally recognised brand that has a huge positive change on our planet.
  • Can I contact you about climate change?
    Absolutely, don't be shy! If you have any questions that are not answered within our FAQ then please feel free to contact us. We are happy to hear your questions and stories, or even if you have a suggestion for a project we could support. We will do our very best to respond to your messages.
  • Why should I donate to you?
    We've all heard of the National Geographic Society, Greenpeace, WWF and the like. But there are thousands of other, SMALLER organisations from around the world, who have just as much potential as the big guys. All they need is a donation, an opportunity; hope! That's what we're here for. By partnering with smaller organisations, we can bring about more, larger scale organisations by growing their impact and reach. We take on the work of discovering and establishing connections with lesser known organisations, so you don't have to. All you need to do is donate, full-well knowing your money will go far and wide (literally) and make a difference!
  • I still don't understand what you do. Could you please explain it to me again?
    Absolutely! When you subscribe, your money is sent to our bank account. Throughout the course of the month, we figure out which partners will recieve what share of the overall sum. At the end of the month, we distribute all the money we've been sent by our subscribers between our partners. There's no strict ruling behind who recieves the money. In any one month, one organisation may have an emergency, or another may have collaborated with another business, meaning their impact may be bigger.
  • What type of projects do you support?
    We want to make a real difference to climate change and that is why we support a whole range of projects. the type of projects we support include, Tree planting, Ocean cleanups, habitat restoration, rewilding projects and many more.
  • Can we see what projects you are supporting?
    Yes, please head to our Projects page which will show you the projects that we have chosen to support along with in depth descriptions about each one so that you can be informed as to how your money is saving the planet.
  • How can you prove you are supporting the projects you say you are?
    We want to be 100% transparent with our supporters. That is why we have records of all of our purchases available for you to see on our website. These records will show you exactly what projects we spend money on and how much we are spending each time.
  • Can I get involved with one of your projects?
    The majority of our projects are in different areas of the globe and are run by various different companies, we simply use your funds to support their amazing projects. However, we do run our own projects as well, such as beach cleanups and local tree planting. Please keep an eye on our social media pages for if we are running a project near you and feel free to come and help out!
  • How does the subscription work?
    We wanted to make climate action as affordable as possible, so we charge you only £3.50 a month (that's the price of one cup of coffee). Then, by combining the funds of our members, we will support some amazing environmental projects around the world and also run our own local projects that will help to tackle climate change.
  • Do you only have one subscription option?
    At the moment we only have one subscription option, priced at £2.50 per month. This is because we want everyone around the world to have affordable access to climate action. For the same price as one cup of coffee, you can support environmental projects around the world.
  • Can we get involved as a business rather than as an individual?
    Yes of course you can! We actively encourage all businesses looking to make a difference to get in contact with us to discuss how you can support the fight against climate change.
  • I want to do more than just give a monthly subscription, what can I do?
    We are really pleased you are passionate about wanting to make more of a difference. You could consider contacting us about becoming a corporate partner. Another really easy way to help is to share our business on social media and encourage as many of your friends as possible to check us out. The more supporters we have, the more of an impact we can make.
Tropical Leaves

Do Your Bit For The Planet

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