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Forest Garden Program, Senegal

The Forest Garden Program in Senegal is helping to train local farmers on sustainable land management practices and aims to plant a total of 1 Million trees.

The Forest Garden Program, based in the regions of Fattick and Kaolack, Senegal, is a collaboration between Trees for the Future and a local cooperative called Fepromas. the project aims to help restore around 125 acres of land by training 500 local farmers on the best sustainable land management practices. There will be 2,000 trees planted for every farmer, meaning that the project will plant 1 Million trees in total across the area.

The 1 Million trees to be planted will result in hindreds of lush, sustainable and thriving gardens that will help to rejuvinate the local area, creating increased income for farmers and their families but also creating better food security for the local community.

For more information on this project, please check out the following link:

Project Gallery

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